
Copyright © Rockhaus Ltd. 2019. All rights reserved.

Our ethos

Right from the start, the founding partners at Rockhaus have been involved in renewables projects that gave something back, 
from Community Solar to Energy storage for Schools. Most recently working on projects throughout the Middle East, the Far East, 
Africa and the Caribbean to help turn the strong uplift in the demand for carbon producing energy, back down again. 

We are passionate about making a difference, delivering renewables initiatives not just because we enjoy what we do, but 
because its the right thing to do. Every time we see the celebrations around periods of low coal use in the UK we can say with 
all sincerity, we helped to make that happen. And that’s a great feeling !

...something we hope to repeat not just at home, but around the world and for the benefit of all


Rockhaus evolved from the emerging solar industry in 2010, since then they have worked on over 475MW of delivered renewable infrastructure.

Aside form Solar PV the team have experience in Battery Storage, wind, tidal, bio fuels and waste to gas generation.

We pride ourselves as a team of innovators and pioneers with the proven delivery experience to carry your project from initial feasibility through to closing the final switch.

Our clients include high street banks, international solar developers, local authorities and financial institutions. All of Rockhaus’s 
staff work on a flexible time model, where the client can call upon our expertise for just 1 hour or even 1 year, we aim to be seen 
as your in house renewable experts and can work under your company branding or our own.